Pregnancy care is still not good enough for all women, so we made it our mission to change that.

"We are here to give our contribution in challenging all society's taboos, gender prejudices, implicit and economic barriers, which attempt to silence a gender because it is too complicated to understand."
Silvia Oliveti, Ph.D.
CEO Sequoia Red


We are creative spirits.
Defiant, independent thinkers.
With resolute, determined impetus.

Dr. Silvia Oliveti

Founder and CEO

Entrepreneur, focused on social responsibility, making a positive impact.
Background: Ph.D. in Law & Economics, Lawyer
Passionate about writing, exploring new ideas, and connecting with communities.

Marina Ferent


Data Scientist, Master of data, casting spells of prediction and analysis in the digital realm.
Background: Ph.D. Fellow in Cybernetics, Econometrics and Statistics
Passionate about understanding the whys behind data, rituals, behaviours.

Andrea D'Urbano


Theoretical Physicist, conquering theoretical challenges in quantum computing and algorithms.
Background: Ph.D. Fellow in Quantum computing and algorithms.
Passionate about translating scientific discoveries into innovative technologies and solutions.

Andrea Spedicati

Founder and COO

Entrepreneur, driving technological innovation and creating value for society and communities.
Background: Space Engineering
Passionate about traveling and discovering new opportunities.


During the pregnancy journey, many women feel misunderstood, disrespected, treated badly and not given enough attention and care. Many women feel guilty about wanting to take care of themselves.

We believe that all women deserve to be understood, to be empowered to understand themselves and what is happening to their bodies.

We want to give each woman the confidence to live her pregnancy fully.


We are developing Sequoia Red to help each pregnant woman to take care of herself, feel safe, and easily find what she may need for a healthy and happy pregnancy

What do we want to OFFER?

A comprehensive offering of health and wellness services dedicated specifically to pregnant women; an easy way to book those services from trusted professionals specialized in pregnancy.​

A place where feel empowered and informed about care and needs, through medical reviews and women-empowering ​articles

A community of women, pregnant and not, and trusted professionals, for support and care​

If you are a professional
offering services dedicated to pregnant women
and you share our values,
we are looking for you.

You in?

Not sure yet?

Read more about our values and motivations with our curated articles, click here ↗️

Have a look to what Sequoia Red will become, click here ↗️

If you want to know more about our team, click here ↗️

What your partner can do for you

What you can do for yourself


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